Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Adult acne - Permanent Results. Proven.

It's been a very long time since I've updated this blog. But I thought this was time I release an update on the treatment outcomes and methods that is used to treat Adult Acne.

Its great to see lovely outcomes from my patients with the clearance of their acne and the lack of recurrence especially with the use of the AGNES treatment.

AGNES was previously only exclusively available to my clinic but now I can see it being used widely in Singapore. This is good news as the local distributors have decided to sell his machine now to many other clinics.

AGNES is a treatment used to selectively destroy acne prone oil glands. It is quite common for one to then wonder, if doing AGNES will make the skin less oily or will it make it dry and wrinkled. This will not happen, as only very few oil glands are destroyed in proportion to the millions of oil glands located throughout the entire face. On the contrary, it is very likely that topical creams are the most likely cause of the dry skin. However, even through this is uncomfortable and make up often does not sit well on a extremely dry texture, the side effect is nevertheless temporary.

Why is it that sometimes the performance of AGNES varies? AGNES is a very specialized procedure. Accurate identification of the oil glands including direction of the oil glands and accurate selection of the energy required and number of shots needed for complete oil gland destruction takes experience and patience.

Is AGNES a miracle treatment in the treatment of acne and pimples? There are no miracles in treatment of this extremely difficult condition. Yet improvements in medical technology continuously pushes the boundary and allows us doctors to continuously do our best for our patients.

Acne has indeed multi causes. From hormones to genetics to the environment. Every doctor has their own way of treating acne. It is a constant battle to improve our methods and improve our techniques with research taking place regularly on how best to treat this.

I personally do not perform AGNES on all my patients either. Selection of the right candidate for the best outcomes depends on the expertise of your doctor. And again as mentioned, acne alone because has multiple causes, one really needs detailed and careful evaluation as to the likely cause of the pimple before knowing which treatment would work best.

Lastly, acne also has many different forms. Some are huge giant cystic nodules. Others may come as smaller papules or tiny red bumps. While others may appear primarily as bumps on the skin or commedonal acne. Some people describe their acne as fungal acne when it is really pityrosporum folliculitis. And then combined with Rocasea there is subtype 2 Rocasea with papularpustular rocasea or pimples associated with redness and flushing of the skin.

The diagnosis of acne is often straight forward yet it is really up to your doctor to identify the cause and treat it accordingly.

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