Tuesday, October 20, 2015

AGNES - The PERMANENT cure for adult acne / pimples

Let me talk about the AGNES and go through a case study with a patient whom I have treated recently. She was kind enough to allow me to take pictures for posting on the internet to educate my readers including those suffering from adult acne.

Here is Patient S. A young adult female whom has been battling with acne since her teenage years. I first met her in June and this pictures were taken on 5th of June 2015

You can see evidence of multiple papules and comedones. These comedones are evidence of congestion of the oil glands. The redness is due to inflammation as bacteria invades into the oil glands causing infection and inflammation.

As I go through with all of my patients who require acne treatment, acne is a multi-factorial condition caused by a few factors, from genetics to hormones and also life-style factors. The conditions in the skin or pathogenesis that promote acne include hyperkeratinisation ( Or excess skin growth ) , obstruction of sebaceous follicles resulting from abnormal keratinization of the infundibular epithelium ( congestion of the oil glands ), stimulation of sebaceous gland secretion by androgens (excess oil gland secretion ), and microbial colonization of pilosebaceous units by Propionibacterium acnes ( bacetria ), which promotes perifollicular inflammation.
Of course acne comes in many various severity and different treatment protocols and treatment methods can be used to treat acne with varying degree of effectiveness.

Over the next few weeks, I shall be writing on her progress as we have actually started treatment a few months ago and we have now started to see progress of the treatments.